I had NO clue where in the world or What Malaysia even was before this trip.  It is right underneath Thailand with Lots of majestic mountains, lush forests, and pictuersque beaches. So far, I have Loved being in this Beautiful country for the past few weeks.  There is Such a Diversity in Cultures, Ethnicity, and Religion.  We are smack dab in the middle of such a confusing and interesting mixture of all of these diversities.  We are in Penang, which apparently is known out of the entire country for its food.  There’s Indian, Chinese, Thai, and everything else one could try to find.  All of it’s GOOD.  I’m still building up my tolerance to spicy food, but I’m slowly getting there.

Half of the population in Malaysia are actual Malaysian.  Yet it’s sometimes very tough to distinguish between a Malay and an Indian or Thai.  Lots of diversity comes from tons of past migrant workers from the surrounding countries.  There’s Lots of business and productivity out of Malaysia, so there is Lots of Technology.  The general population has their own vehicle or motorbike, works, and are very busy. 

Like I mentioned before of the many different cultures and religions, they are very peaceful and considerate of the other religions.  There aren’t any hostility amongst the ethnic groups.  The Chinese are mainly a form of Buddhism with Taoism mixed in there.  The Indians are Hindu and some are also Islamic. There’s a holiday along with parades and celebrations quite often.  There was even some crazy group of Indians parading in the street while typing this blog. As for the Malays (name of the ones from this area) I am brought to my main point.

If you are born a Malay, you are automatically Islamic.  No Questions.  It’s the countries Law, and the Malaysian flag even has the Islamic crest in it.  What I’ve learned is that if you are Islamic, you Can Not swap religions/belief.  I am not too sure if there Is any sort of Penalty if you do, but I have to say that’s just screwed up.  So, as long as a generation of a family, they Must be Islamic.  If someone marries a Muslim and the converts to Islam, they are then and forever a Muslim. 

As a Muslim, one must pray at 5 specific times of the day in Arabic.  Since the origin of Islam and the Koran is in Arabic, they must pray and learn them in that language.  I’ve been told most don’t even understand the entire meaning of the prayers in Arabic.  Apparently saying the prayers in Arabic will help them in the afterlife, and that’s quoting a guy who toured us around the local Mosque.  They must pray and bow in the direction of Mecca, and there are Many other rituals one must follow as a Muslim.  They do consider themselves a “follower of God” (Allah), acknowledge Jesus as a prophet, and many know the Old Testament of the Bible.

The local Mosque which we can see from our roof, and hear the prayers everyday.

Yet, I Know and Believe in the NEW Covenant, which was made by God when his Son Jesus was crucified and sacrificed for our Sins.  I can Pray and Worship MY God When, Where, and How I want.  I don’t have to do some ridiculous rituals or traditions, and my children aren’t Forced by Law to be of a certain religion.  How do I Know?  It’s a legitimate question for a non-believer of follower of another religion to ask a christian.  The One thing Screaming in my head is when Jesus says “I am the Way, The Truth, and the Life.  No One comes to the Father Except Through Me”. This is John 14:6, and I recommend on reading the entire chapter for more words of understanding Jesus proclaims amongst the disciples.

My eyes are being opened up even more to the craziness of these religions people in the world follow.