So many things running through my mind, yet when I turn to write/type it down I go blank.  However, I DID want to share with everyone last minute detailed info. before I leave.

I Leave on Monday (9/13/10) @ 4 PM from ATL to LAX.  Then from there, the majority of us in both Q & R (both of us Sept. Squads) will meet up and then go “conquer” the World when we leave for the PHILIPPINES, haha.  Team Leaders are leaving today on 9/11 (sending out a prayer) and logistics/finance people (thank goodness I’m not finance) leave 9/12.

The Philippines is exactly 12 hours AHEAD of Georgia time.  No, I will not be able to tell you people the lottery #’s of the day or baseball & football scores (that would be sweet though). 

I will know more of what I will be doing and where my Team & I will be working when I arrive around Wed.  Of Course, I will certainly let you Folks know…When I have Internet access.

Oh by the way, the title is a quote from The Dark Knight of the Joker, which a movie I will might watch on the 20 or so hours of flying from LAX to Manila.

The realization of the occurrence of this trip is so…Crazy.  This is a type of trip I’ve been mentally wanting to go on for quite some time now, and Finally getting a Chance to Go Out and Do it…it’s Unbelievable!  It’s a type of trip I dream about, and think “Oh, that would be cool to go on that”.  Well, it’s actually not a dream anymore, the videos on youtube I see are becoming My situation & REAL, and the dangers of the World are now pressing down on us.  YET, God is With Us and will Surely be Guiding us along this Entire Trip with His Hands.

Financially, God has been SOOOO GOOD!  It’s surely an “Adventure” in itself when raising any large amount of support, let alone $14,300.  I currently have Just over $10,000 in my account with AIM.  Yes, that does mean I am still needing and praying for more blessings of support.  I need all the money in my account by MONTH 6 (That’s the month of February I believe).  Yet, several of My team & Squad mates are entering this trip with Just Enough to just GO, and that is SO Awesome in itself.  I’m extremely happy to know that they will be able to embark on this trip with me.

PLEASE, keep my Squad, my Team, and I in your prayers for safe Travels.  Satan knows of what we are doing, and he’s gonna try and slow us down so that we don’t get what God wants Us to do.  However, we’ll just probably turn around and punch Satan in the Face (thank you Melissa Helser) if he messes with us.

We can only Say So Much, and then we get to the point of “Okay, we’ve said it, Let’s do it”.  Similar to what I’ve mentioned in previous blogs of how we’ve somehow Got to Motivate ourselves and do things for HIS Glory.  Stop living lives for our own benefit, and in turn Live For HIS Benefit.

1 John 3:18 is a pretty darn good verse is this situation, and Millions of other.  It Screams at Us to Not Love with just WORDS & Tongue, BUT with ACTION & TRUTH!!! (still sitting here reminiscing over the verse, haha)

My life of possessions for the next 11 Months are confined to 2 BackPacks.  Packing is another “fun” topic to discuss for World Racers.  I sometimes feel it’s really the one of the few tangible subjects one can utter into words at certain times in preparation for this trip .

I am Ready to completely have my thoughts, beliefs, boundaries, and World Rocked by God’s Amazing Doings.  I WILL NOT be who I am Now when I get back, and That gets me even More excited. I WANT God to Change me.