What would it be life if we saw ourselves the way God sees us? 

How would we live? Would we wake up each day dreading work or school or would be rise up eager to hear the voice of the Lord in the morning? 

Yesterday morning I woke up and decided to dedicate 4 hrs to the Lord…life has been insane lately and I haven’t given him much time so I finally sat still before Him and opened my Bible, desiring for my soul to be refreshed. As I was trying to get focused I ran across this journal entry that I had written in training camp and felt that the someone needed some reminders of what the Lord sees us as…
Declare these truths with me!
Written on 7-28-10:

Thank you Father, you are quick to save, mighty to redeem, you love to make all things new. You love me..
I am..your princess, your warrior,  your mighty roar, your aroma. 
I hold your power, your healing, your forgiveness, mercy, grace, kindness, tenderness
I hold your sword, I speak your voice, not mine. 
I am beloved, beautiful, a perfect woman, a weapon to the enemy, wonderful daughter, cherished sister, faithful friend, hard worker, service-minded, and other’s minded. 
I am whole, redeemed, valued, a model of your love and forgiveness, a picture of your faithfulness, no blemish or fault is within me. 
I walk in the Spirit, listen, and hear your Spirit. 
I have hands that heal and a voice that breaks the bondage of sin. 
My feet bring good news, feet fitted with your anoiting, hands that touch all that you would touch. 
I have a Spirit like a burning flame, one that will not be quenched, that can’t be blown out, that only catches the rest of the forrest on fire!
I am a dreamer, a visionary, I have a receptive heart and moldible spirit and heart. 
I will go deeper and deeper into Jesus
I will be so in tune with the Spirit that I feel evil and can fight on behalf of the weak. I will be the voice for the voiceless, a hand to the lame, a chain cutter to those in bondage, joy in sadness, a Spirit of laughter to those who have never heard God’s life or voice:)
I will endure, I am one who perseveres, one who has no fear because Jesus has conquered all things. 
I will not fear the things of man but only fear the one who has control over life and death…Jesus!
I will speak truth, the truth of the one true God, Jesus Christ…evil spirits will flee, demons will shutter and those once lost will be found. 
I will raise the dead, bring resurrection of the body and the Spirit. I will speak life and truth, not criticism or judgement. 
I see things through the eyes of God, I see the broken hearts of man, not the outward appearance. 
I will be the one who is a pillar of light, one who reflects God faithfulness, I will remember His faithfulness
I am a strong woman, a Moses who will see God’s face, His glory, power and light!
I was born to do GREAT,  GLORIOUS,  and MIGHTY things! 
Things that the world would say are impossible will be possible with the Lord’s Spirit within me!
Hope that blessed you…know that I am nothing special, but I am a girl chosen by the Lord…it is He who will do great things! Live in His goodness and freedom today!!
PS- Thought you could always use a good laugh:)