Dear family, friends and loved ones,

I wanted to share a little more about the purpose of the race, the reasons why I am going, and what I hope to accomplish.

 Purpose of The World Race:

  • To visit and partner with established missionaries and organizations in order to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people by bringing the Gospel message of Jesus Christ
  • To encourage and help further the ministries of the established missionaries and organizations
  • To learn more about where my passions in combination with my strengths can come together and play a part in bringing forth Kingdom impact
  • To learn where and how I can use my Business Degree from Lincoln Christian University for Kingdom purposes
  • To truly invest in serving others and in turn, discover myself

Reasons why I am going:

  • To gain hands on experience with multiple cultures, people groups, and areas of the world where few have reached
  • To cultivate a heart that is open and receptive to the Lord, believing His calling will be revealed for my life
  • To step out of my comfort zones and step into a global ministry by sharing the Good News of Jesus 
  • To be a liaison for the Lord between Christians in 11 countries and cultures

What I hope to accomplish on this trip:

  • Help missionary’s in 11 countries to further God’s ministry
  • Explore further opportunities of service for myself and other mission minded people
  • Determine my role in overseas mission work; whether that be living overseas, mobilization, partnering, or business side here in the states
  • Partner with you in this walk and go as your representative of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth

This will be a trying process that will be assisted with adequate training, spiritual mentorship, and strategic discipleship by the leaders of AIM. Training will start in July, where my team will come together for two weeks of prayer, team building, and spiritual discipleship.

These 11 months of ministry will be a unique time in my life. A time to learn, grow and be broken before the Lord. Will you share and be a part of this ministry?

 If you are interested in learning more about my World Race, and how to support me through prayer and financial means, please read the Q&A sheet.

That the World May Know Him,

 Bethany Dragon