This saying has taken on a new meaning to me over the course of the race. The idea that the pastors, missionaries and mentors of our life need just as much encouragement, guidance and help has been foreign to me. I honestly think its an odd thought to most of us and one we often overlook. Regardless of the position one holds or if they have gone to seminary, or even lived their lives in the field spreading the love Christ to the masses, we all need to be reminded of some things.

Encouragement is something many of us our lacking in our daily lives. So often our actions are passed over and the works we do go unnoticed, at least so we think. Our last contact from Uganda was a man named Pastor Joseph Nsanga. Pastor Joseph defiantely made our month while we were in Uganda. It was a difficult place to be at times. The town we stayed in, Nalukolongo, was total chaos 24/7. There was a heaviness in the air, almost as if an evil was just hanging over everything and everyone. It’s hard to describe, but it was a difficult month for most of us. We had a number of our team sick most of the month, a number of terrential downpoars that brought flooding the the area and also severly damaged our Pastors church. We were met with many areas around our pastors church where witchcraft and sorcery were openly practiced. There was a feeling of constant spiritual warfare of one kind or another daily. Some of the residents of the area blatantly mocked us as we tried to share what God had put on our hearts. Not once during this whole time did Pastor Joseph ever lose his enthusiasm, never did the smile leave his face.

The last week of our time in Uganda, we were unable to do much in the way of ministry. The weather was bad enough that for safeties sake pastor wanted us to stay in our guest house. Then once the weather calmed, we had to make arrangements for the rest of the squad to meet us in Kampala. During these last few days we came to believe that the main reason we were sent to Nalukolongo was to be there to encourage and disciple to Pastor Joseph. Not only did he and his family have to deal with acts of God and everything else, but Pastor’s wife, Miss Beatrice, lost her job after there was a robbery. Her employer had not paid her the last 4 months of her wages and now decided to let her go. And just to add another complication, pastor was told he needed to have surgery to fix a hernia. Definately a rough month for anyone, regardless of where you come from or what you do with your life. God showed us an example of true faith and perserverance, by example of Pastor Joseph and his family. After all of this happened, Pastor gave a word during one service about the the unlimited Love of God and that because of this we are all able to live unlimited lives. I am honored that God allowed us to see this amazing exmaple of a man of God. I am just as honored that The Lord allowed us the priviledge of being there to pray through these difficult days with the Nsanga family. You see, sometimes we often believe that our pastors and leaders have everything figured out. Alot of the time they have a better grip on things then the rest of us, that’s part of the reason their our leaders. More often than not though, they can use a shoulder to cry on. They can use a reminder from others that God does see them in their pain and suffering. God can also use others and there circumstances as a reminder that the strength we get to make it through these tough times, does not come from us, but from Him!

I guess what I’m trying to say is, never assume anyone has it all figured out or under control, because none of us do. We often need to be reminded of our own humility. That can be a tough pill to swallow at times, but its so much better when we realize its not completely up to us and our own flesh to withstand all the craziness of the broken world in which we live. We aren’t alone, we have The One, and we have one another to lean on and derive strength to carry on. That should give us all the enthusiasm we need to keep on smiling each and every day we’re able to do our God’s works!