Hello Family and Friends,

            Tom and I are now at the halfway point on the World Race, month 6 in Tanzania. We have been amazed at what we have seen God do through us and we know he is not finished. We have currently raised $22,400 and it has been a wonderful to see how he has used you to bless this ministry. Also, thank you for your prayers, they have meant more than you could ever imagine. There were times we were sick and tired but your prayers have pulled us through, so thank you!! We are still needing $6,100 by December 15th! That is less than 6 weeks away but we know God will continue to provide! We thank you for what you have already done because we would not be where we are if it were not for you. If God has placed it on your heart to continue helping support us financially while we are the field the remaining 6 months we would be so very thankful!

            In Uganda I meet a women named Sarah. Sarah and her two year old son Elijah are homeless. They live at the church under a half constructed Church building. Her husband did not want her to continue following Jesus so he gave her an ultimatum, Choose him, their children, and all of her belongings or choose Jesus and he leaves with everything. This wonderful Women chose Jesus. She knew the cost was high but she kept her eyes on what really mattered, her relationship with Christ. During my time in Uganda I did my best to encourage her and speak into her. There are times where she felt abandoned. Her family no longer speaks to her and views her as an outcast.   Her 4 children do not have money for school fees therefore they are not able to go to school. It was a blessing to see someone who had given up everything for the cause of Christ. She denied everything, picked up her cross and followed Christ. Although she did not know where their next meal would come from or if someone would find them in the Church at night and hurt them or if school fees would be paid; she clung to God and knew he was their protector and their provider. I kept reminding her that God had not forgotten them, he saw her sacrifice and was pleased. Uganda was a wonderful month of growing in relationship with Sarah. There were times I felt hopeless. What could I possibly do? Then it came to me, PRAY! Things that I could do for her would only provide her temporary comfort but God could meet all her needs. She and Elijah are daily in my thoughts and prayers as well as her other 4 children who are living with their father. Please join me in prayer on behalf of Sarah and her children.  

            There are so many people in this world who need the hope of Christ. People who need to know they are not forgotten, that God sees them and we see them. We would really appreciate if you would consider giving towards our ministry. Below is how you can be a part of sharing God’s hope and love with those all around the world. Thank you for your prayers and support, they mean more than you will ever know!!

God Bless,

Tom and Casey Kowatch

Online: www.thomasandcaseykowatch.theworldrace.org

Mail: Adventures in Missions

         PO Box 534470

         Atlanta, GA 30353-4470

         Appeal ID# KowatchThomasCasey