So here we are, just over a week till launch.  We have met our squad of 50 plus and our team of 5 that we will be spending the next year with.  I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to be put with.  There are definately a variety of personalities but we all compliment each other so well.  You could truly see God’s hands at work when he formed our sqaud. 
Training Camp was an amazing experience. Not only so we could meet our squad but also to see more of the organization we will be representing.  AIM is full amazing individuals that have a true and deep love for Jesus and that shows through in all that they do.  I truly feel privileged to be able to be apart of this experience.

Training Camp also provided us with the oportunity to develop our relationship with Christ through some truly amazing teachings as well as worship like I have never seen!
Quick support update;
We are at about $18,500 with about $10,000 still left to raise.  God has provided for us at every deadline that has been set and truly blessed us with all the love, support, and prayers we have received!
Some of our teammates have not met deadlines yet for our launch on June 16th so please pray for that they are provided for!
So that is all for now, here is a pic of the beautiful people of the June 2010 World Racers!