So we’ve had an interesting time here in Kenya. Some of the most wonderful people in the world and incredible ministry happening. We spent a week helping to finish a building that another World Race team started in January. We finished that building which will be used for student classrooms for a school the church runs during the week, and we started digging the foundation, framing and roofing another building which will be used as an office for the pastor and a conference room to teach adult bible training classes. The next week we spent walking all around the city in 5 groups of about 4-5 people, Kenyans and Muzungu’s mixed together, sharing the gospel with everyone we met, people in homes, on the street and wherever else we found them. We saw a total of maybe 25 people give their lives to Jesus and many of them came on Sunday where we had a chance to welcome them into the family of God. Many more heard the gospel and were convinced of its truth but still needed more time before they felt ready to invite Christ into their lives.

Then the health issues hit. About 10 of us came down with Malaria, at least one case of Typhoid and Malaria and Catherine is now going through her second round of Malaria. It’s totally treatable and there are clinics and hospitals nearby with the treatment we need and a fairly cheap cost, but it’s still been a tough blow. Many of us have been put out of ministry this past week just because of sickness. We also had to fly one of our team members out to Nairobi to a better hospital to be treated for E. Coli, parasites and an ulcer. Please pray for all of us as we heal and get ready for the next trip. Most of us are better by now but Cath is still recovering. We know this is just the enemy’s way of battling the work we’re doing. We’re also being battled on the financial front so we need every ounce of prayer you can give us! Thanks so much for following us on this incredible journey!!