Hey friends,

We are currently at the end of our second ministry month and getting
ready to head to the Philippines.

1 week prior to our trip we were supposed to have $16,560 in
our account and the rest raised in pledges. Right now we only have
$10,235 in our account
and we are still in need of a lot of pledged
monthly support. What we currently have pledged and what is in our
account might get us to about 65-70% of our total support needs, but the
people we are financially accountable to at AIM need to see more of
that actually in our account for us to be able to continue ministry
throughout the whole trip.

Our next deadline is coming up on April 1. We are supposed to have
80% of our costs in our account by then, which totals to $22,080.
means we have about one month to raise $11,845.
These next few
months we are going to be pushing to try to raise what we need for the
rest of the race. Everything we have in pledges helps us but we also are
in SERIOUS need of several large gifts. If God is laying it on your
heart, please help us. It’s not easy for us to ask for money and it’s a
whole new way of living for us, but know that you are sowing into the
lives of people that deeply need encouragement and the love of Christ.
Pastor Anderson has ministered relatively alone in a community for 20
years and we have seen a breath of refreshing and encouragement in him
and others in Beswick. Please sow into the nations. Sow into Australia.
Run the journey with us. And thank you for your support, prayers and

David and Catherine

P.S. We have some incredible stories we’ll be posting in the next few
days and some new photos are up on the facebook group page. To join the
facebook group, click here: