The fundamental fact of
existence is that this trust in God, this
FAITH, is the firm foundation under everything that makes LIFE worth living.

It’s our handle on what


Hebrews 11:1 (The Message)


I know FAITH gets
talked to death.

But before you quickly move on back to your Facebook,

Email or latest
NFL News.  (Go Bears!)

Stick With Me – I promise to keep it SHORT
and SWEET.

I have always considered myself a Middle of the Road Faith Person.

I don’t have Tons
of Faith but I’m not too bad either.

I Have Had a MASSIVE increase in


It has all had to do with



Let me give you some Examples:
First: My Support:

Like I wrote in Miracles Happen nothing was coming in
these past 3 months.

In fact, I only left on
this trip with around 5,000 dollars.

All throughout Africa –
God kept telling me He would

So, for the last 3 months, I kept thanking God in advance for bringing the Money in.

“God, thank you that you WILL
bring the money in”



Secondly, My Legs:

The November before the trip,
I pulled the muscles in my legs pretty badly.

I limped around
for about 6 weeks until God healed me at the Launch of my Trip.

I was good until about the middle of July when I pulled the same muscles on an

Awesome Van ride in Africa.

After weeks of doing everything
I can and everyone praying for me.

I began Thanking God for Healing Me in my prayer

Now I move around PAIN FREE!

Third, Ton Ton.

Ton Ton, is an amazing Young
Man that I met when working at

The Children’s Garden in the Philippines. (Which houses and disciples former
street kids)
 About a month after I left, Ton Ton ran away from Children’s Garden.

For the last 6 months,
I have been praying for him to come back.

And in the last month,
I have been Thanking God
that He will bring him back.

In the past week

Ton Ton has returned to Children’s Garden!

Four, My Teammates Support:

My teammates Jonathan Snyder and Kristi Kaeli were both in
danger of being sent home.

In the last 2 weeks,
I have been thanking God that He
will bring in MORE than
the necessary Support.

As of today, they
both have Greatly Surpassed their GOALS.

Lastly, Barack:

The Child that I met in Morogoro with a Cleft

There is too much to say in this Blog but God has been rewarding my Faith there too!

(There will
be a blog about that soon……..)

I feel FAITH surging up in my Spirit.

It has been overflowing into other areas of my Life as well.

When I pray for healing,
I feel more confident.

When we do ministry,
I thank God in advance for fruit.

I’m thanking God in advance in relation to my finances.

And in a lot of other areas of my Prayer Life as well.

I’m not advocating a Name
It – Claim It Theology.

But Things we know God
has promised.

Things we
know He Wants.

Thanking Him in Advance is a great way
