My hand is shaking.

I’m getting choked up.

I’m finding it hard to continue.

I’m not sure I have felt this way before.

Let me back it up for


Marakina – The place
where the families we have been visiting twice a week live.

More specifically A
Trash Dump
under a bridge.

 We’re not just talking trash but things like old needles and broken glass too.

And 20 families
scraping to get by.

We have/are doing things to meet their needs and

 anything else we can
do for them.

Last Friday God broke through in the Spiritual Realm.

It started with a fast and some prayer.

It ended with the whole community coming up for an altar

 Now I’m not going to give you numbers.

Even though they might sound nice.

To be honest there were little kids up there who didn’t
know what was going on.

And Rugby Boys (Teenagers
who sniff solvent to get high to forget their hunger and problems).

Plus, I don’t pretend to know people’s hearts.

But I will say this – God
was doing something BIG in that place.

His heart and truth were coming through and there was genuine response going on.

We began to pray over them as a community and then individually.

 The second person I prayed for was Kenneth.

The beautiful, joyful
10 year old mute boy I have been playing with the last two weeks.

My Heart’s Cry
for the last Seven Months has been:

God give me Your Heart for people!


I lay my hand on him to pray.

About 10 seconds in I feel so OVERWHELMED that I’m struggling to continue.

Let me tell you why:

At that moment God
filled me with a

Love and Compassion

For someone I barely

In a way I have never experienced in my entire life.

For a moment God gave
me a glimpse of

His Heart for Kenneth.

It was OVERWHELMING and AMAZING all at once.

I have no
idea what it’s like to live like that all the time.

I’m sure it
can be extremely difficult to Feel
that much.

But to be

I can’t think of a
better way to live.