One of the best blogs I have ever read was called:

Seven Months In A Mirror

By my teammate in 2008 – Angela Tibbo

The revelation in
that blog was that community lived out is like

A Mirror – A
perfect reflection back into your life.

Your relationships, interactions and conflicts
with the people in your

community reveals things in your heart and life.


A month ago I was talking with Becky Miller and God

Took that revelation

In relationships I need to take the responsibility

not only for my impressions
but also for the problems as well.

Taking the onus off the others person’s faults or need to

but instead OWNING UP
to what I can control:


My Thoughts.

My Reactions.


I’m not saying that relationships aren’t a give and take.

What I have realized that often in relationships I take a self-centered approach and

put the majority of
the focus
on the things THEY
need to change for our relationship to

improve and change for the better.
I need to instead be looking at myself.

Concentrating on what
I can change

and wholeheartedly looking for ways to serve them.
I need to be asking what I can do differently.

Using problems
and conflicts as a time for Self-Reflection.

Not as times to analyze their faults in deeper ways.
I need to stop asking them or waiting for them to change.

But instead be proactive
on my side.

Not only will this bring about change in my life.

But it also brings a whole new pathway of freedom and grace
as well.

I can’t change them – Only
God Can
– The quicker I release
of that

And learn to live with grace
and patience – The Better!

What have I done with
this new revelation so far?


This past month I have sat down with each teammate one on

And asked questions like these:

What was your first
impression of me?

What is a weakness you
see in my life?

Have I offended you in
any way on this trip?

What’s something you
think needs to change for our relationship to improve?


Not only did I get great
and reflection on my life.

But the conversations broke
a lot of stuff that needed
to be talked about.

And as I have learned from past experience.

Information like that
can come in one of three ways:


People never tell you.

(And it forever remains a blind spot
and relationship killer.)

You find out because it blows up on you.

You ask people for it.

Invite people’s reflection on your life.

Take the Pressure off of others to change.

And learn to use all relationships as an opportunity for personal


 By the way – I arrived in the Phillipines 2 days ago!!! (Saturday the 27th)

 We are in debrief for the next 4 days and then we will start our ministry.
 The whole squad (All 54 people) will be living and ministering together this month.
I don’t what I am doing yet but I will let you all know when I do.
 There will be probaly be one more blog on Aussie coming!
Thank you for your prayer and support!
I am at 7,900 now!!!