I would like you to meet someone.

 He is 62 years old. 

He has been a Leader and Pastor for 20 years. 

His life is about making disciples around the world.


A pretty basic profile I know. In fact you are probably thinking,

 “I know someone like that.”

 Trust me though – YOU DON’T.


I’ll get to more of that later.

First, let me properly introduce you to:


Pastor Merv Westbrook.  


Merv thinks and talks at a thousand miles an hour.
And he seems to have a never ending array of stories and wisdom to offer.
It’s also common to see him running heavy machinery or butchering a cow.
He is an extremely smart business man overflowing with ways to make money.
And he is gifted strong enough spiritually to be able to lead a large congregation somewhere.
But he takes seriously the Great Commission and
everything in his life proves that.

He is one of the few people I have ever met that has

truly given all his talents and abilities for the furthering of the Kingdom of God.
The businesses that he and his organization
the Christian Outreach Center run are numerous:
A Furniture Warehouse.

A Hostel for the Aboriginal community.

A Farm that raises pigs and cows that he plans on selling to a meat company
These are just a few and there are even more ideas
once the money increases.

The Catch:

He doesn’t live off of support.

Nor does he live off the tithes of the Christian Outreach Center (COC) church.

He doesn’t have a big house or a retirement plan.

He doesn’t own a lot of nice things.

He only takes enough money for basic lodging and food.

The rest of it goes outward. 


He is the real deal.

 He and his wife live very simply.

And in the early days of the ministry they lived even simpler.
He has the leadership and business skills to be
making a lot of money and to be living a lot better.
But he is neither a rich businessman nor a well paid pastor.

He is a Kingdom Bringing leader

That is creatively and passionately making money

And pouring out business and spiritual wisdom

To support Pastor’s, Businessmen and Missionaries around the world.

What are you doing with the skills and abilities God has given you?



 (My next blog will me more specifically about the Unique Mission of

The Christian Outreach Center here in Darwin. And the other amazing people that

are giving their lives to it.)