
I know I already sent this blog out!
I re-sent it for two reasons……..
 1)  I added one picture I had forgotten. A pic. of the house church I am a part of here. It’s
at the very bottom of the blog. Check it out!

On February 16th I officially moved out to Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Why did I do this?
1) There are a good amount of World Race alumni out here. And I thought it would
be a good idea to be around people that have been through what I have been through during
this year of transition.
2) Also, there has been a great community forming out here with both World Racer’s and others
from the area. Meeting every week and striving to figure out what it means to live out true community here in the States.
3) A great opportunity to be mentored and discipled. Being out here allows me to around guys like
Gary Black and Mike Paschal.
4) I was able to move into a house with five other guys. Therefore helping me stay in community!
5) What a beautiful place to live! As you will see from some of the pictures. Not too shabby of a place to settle
for the year.
Here are the Pics……..
The sunset on the drive out to Colorado.
Stopped in Boulder to see my good friend Chris Deutschle. This is us at the Royal Arch looking over the city of Boulder.
Andrew Maas (A 2007 Racer) and I taking a tour of the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.
The view of Pikes Peak on the street outside my house.
The roomates of the Mach 1 house. From left to right:
Ramil, Andrew, Chris H. , Sean, I and Chris T.
Ramil (one of my roomies) and I catching a sunset from one of the peaks in the Garden of the Gods.
A partial amount of the guys that meet for prayer at 7:00 a.m. every Tuesday morning.
From left to right:
Kyle Crimni (Sept. 07 Racer), Chad Mast (06,07 Racer), Andrew Maas(Roomate, Jan 07 Racer), Chris Via (Just returned from leading FYM in Jeffereys Bay, South Africa) and Ramil (Roomate). Then of course me!
I have gotten a job working as a server at a restaurant called the Black Eyed Pea. It’s kind of like a Cracker
Barrel kind of restaurant. God provided it within two weeks of being out here. Which is just crazy
in this economy!
Outside view of the Mach 1 house. (Mach 1 is the name of the street were on, in case you were wandering)
The humble yet comfy room, Chris Telfer and I share.
At the top of Blodgett Peak in Colorado Springs.
My roomate Sean overlooking Co. Springs from top of Blodgett Peak.
A view of the mountain range.
This is Gary Black. He is the one doing some mentorship stuff with me while I am out here.
He is the former leader of Rock the Nations, was a missionary in Swaziland and also is a World Race coach and father of a family of six. To find out more about him, click here.
This is what they call on of the Punch Bowls. It’s at the top of of the hikes here in the Springs. And my buddy Dave Bley and I got in this frigid water! Keep in mind that it had just snowed the day before and its about 40 degrees out.
It was literally the coldest water I have ever felt in my life! But part of the experience of living in Co. for the year.
Lastly, enjoying one of the great Co. pastimes. Snowboarding! Unfortunately the two seconds it took to take this picture was close the longest I stayed up on my board all day. Took a lot of rough falls, but hopefully it will get better!
 This is the house church at one of our gatherings at the Black’s home.

Next year, January race, to be specific – I hope to be going back out on the World Race.
This time in a leadeship aspect.

Details will be coming soon

Stay in touch everyone…………….