(Editor’s Note – My friend Kim Daniels wrote this below and made the video)
Three months ago yesterday, 27 World Racers from all over America and Canada met in Florida to begin a journey that would lead them through all kinds of unknown trials and joys, throughout 11 countries over the course of 11 months.

They’ve worked together to bring hope to communities in Peru that had lost everything.
They lavished love onto kids and taught them the truth of Jesus Christ.
They’ve helped build, paint, saw, construct and varnish buildings for orphans.
They’ve experienced both all kinds of sickness and all kinds of healing.
They’ve discipled.
They’ve been discipled.
They’ve tasted the Lord’s unexplainable power, grace, and love through His Holy Spirit together.
They’ve formed relationships with brothers and sisters of a different tongue, but One Lord.
They’ve grown and learned that community is truly one of the most beautiful things on earth.
And they’ve come to know and love Jesus Christ on whole new levels.

They barely knew each other three months ago.
And now, they’re family.

On April 17th, this squad of 27 will split for the first time into smaller teams to minister throughout South Africa.

I love each of these people. And I like them, too.

January 2008, I’ll miss you.

But not for long………….