I’m happy to announce that, provided my health keeps improving as it has been, I will be rejoining R Squad in Laos at the end of next month.  I am blown away by the faithfulness and power of God in my life during my recovery.  Being able to return to the Race is another in a long list of miracles and I’m incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to finish the journey I began this past summer. 

Because of medical expenses and Race expenses, I need to raise $2,500 in personal money to carry me through the end of May.  This is money that is not tax-deductible and needs to be sent directly to me.  It covers things like medical bills from my accident, airfare home after the Race, some meals that aren’t covered, toiletries and activities on days off.  If you are able to help, please contact me at [email protected].  All other expenses are covered by the current balance in my Adventures account.