This month, God has taken me into some unlikely places to love His people.  Here are the stories of three wonderful people I was blessed to serve in Ireland.



In Kilkenny, I got to meet and spend time with Ed Kenny.  He is in his mid sixties and suffered a severe stroke a little over a year ago; leaving him nearly immobile and with slurred speech.  Currently, Ed resides in a nursing facility just outside the city.  Prior to this visit with me and AIM Encounter team member, Hannah (left), Ed hadn’t had a visitor call around in a month.  Hannah and I took him for a ramble through town and onto the grounds of Kilkenny Castle; the oldest castle in Ireland.  Over coffee, he told us about his life in the Merchant Marine, his love for his late wife and two small dogs that he was forced to give up when entering the nursing facility.  Ed is amazing, sharp minded and witty!  Please pray God brings people into his life to spend time and encourage him frequently. 



Edwin (center) is a 33 year old resident of Letterkenny, Ireland.  At the age of nineteen, he was injured in a car accident and left paralyzed from the neck down.  This picture was taken in his apartment during a visit a week and a half ago.  Edwin is a great conversationalist and kept us on our toes; asking about the US and Canada and the different regions we call home.  He also has a life-sized statue of Yoda from Star Wars in his living room.  (It blends in surprisingly well with the decor!)  The minute I saw Yoda, I knew this visit was going to be fun.  We also spent time in prayer and reading scripture during our visit.  Please pray for Edwin as he continues to respond to God’s love in his life.





This is Sissi.  She is 94 years old and lives alone with her cats in Letterkenny.  When she feels up to it, she gets a ride into town to the market or post office.  However, most of her time is spent at home.  I came with a group of women to wash her windows, but she only wanted to spend time with us.  We sat and talked about her favorite things, growing up in Ireland, her memories of Ray Presbyterian Church, and then I got the opportunity to pray with her.  When I asked her if I could put my hand on her shoulder during the prayer, she said “I wish you would.”  That small gesture from a stranger meant something to her.  Please pray that God continues to bring companionship into Sissi’s path.


Thank you for sending me to be the hands and feet of Jesus around the world.  I couldn’t do it without you!