Wassup Family!!!

Well we made it back from Mozambique this morning (April 14, 2008)! It was nice being there. New experiences…new first-timers…

Much went on while we were there…so much that I don’t even know where to start really.

But one thing I can say…atleast speaking for myself…there was much laughter…much exhaustion…much joy…

The events in this week of the journey ranged from working hard, to relaxing, to break-ins and theft, to those items being returned, to sickness, to being without water for 2 days, to remodeling portions of Don Fosters house, to killing snakes, to ministering, to traveling from city to city…

I had so much fun with my team. There wasn’t really any experiences that were greater than the other that I can think of. And although there were a couple of times where we weren’t so chipper…because of theft…these moments ended in joy. We were not overcome in these moments. There were great expericences here in Mozambique…a few first-timers for me. One of these amazing first timers, for instance was the amazing sqatty-potty…

This baby came in handy one fine day when we ran out of water in the tanks. It was quite a walk…around 75 yards or so down the path…and then you turned off the path into some tall grasses. You could hear the bugs crawling around inside and the guys slinging away the grass some distance away outside. It’s amazing how the sound is amplified in this little shack. But it was all good. I thanked God it was daylight because I had heard the story of trying to use this thing at night with the head lamps and it wasn’t pretty. Being that it’s pitch black outside and you have this bright light bug-drawing mechanism strapped on your head…wow…thank God it was daylight!!! So we had some ministry opportunities like going into the neighborhood village areas and gathering the people, letting them know what we would be doing, showing the Jesus film, the Passion of the Christ, praying with the people who chose to surrender their lives to the Lord, praying with those who needed healing in their bodies. We also were given the opportunity to do some much needed work on Don Foster’s house.

We painted walls, built desks and cleaned. It was quite a task, but it was right up my alley. I got to mix colors, paint, slightly reorganize the furniture. It was an all day task, but it was well worth it. Come to think about it…it may have taken two days. But it was still a lot of fun. So this photo at the left is what the living room looked liked before we tackled it…




and here is the after shot.

I was shooting for an orange color, but I made do with what i had in mixing colors…which is also a favorite of mine. FUN, FUN, FUN!!! Getting to put color on the wall without getting in trouble for it…that’s what I’m talking about!!There were other things we got accomplished like painting and organizing an office, painting a map on the dining room wall of the area of ministry, adding curtains to some of the windows, cleaning and organizing drawer space in the kitchen and the office, and putting down a couple of rugs in the living room and office. It was a lot of fun in many aspects…the work, the first-timers, getting to love the people, having church with the locals, being taken to a restaurant that you would never know was there, and all sorts of other things. I don’t think I like one place better than the other in the countries that I was priveleged to visit while I was in Africa. Every place is a great expericence because they’re not the same.

Thanks to everyone who has prayed for us, who has supported us, who has mentioned our name to God. Love you all!!!

Enjoy the Journey!!!