I know so many of you have been praying for me and the loneliness that set in those first few days. Thank you so much for that, and I know those prayers were heard. Well, a lot has changed, just in the last week and a half. First of all, I moved down to Nsoko almost entirely. Meaning, I will be spending far less time in Manzini (by myself) than I had originally anticipated. Now I will only be going up there for staff meetings, to upload photos or videos, and some other random things. It’s only a little over an hour from Nsoko, so it’s not a bad drive when I do need to get there.

Since I came down to Nsoko, I have been staying at a backpackers lodge. It’s actually quite nice, but wasn’t the most practical idea for the whole time here. So, I will be moving out of the lodge at the end of this month and into the team house down here. The accommodations won’t be as great, but it will be more cost effective and will mean being closer to “the action”, since the team house is situated on the property of the main G-42 Care Point. This will make it easier to build stronger relationships among the Swazis, and create a more natural environment to capture some of the stories.

God has also provided a break from the loneliness. As I mentioned in my last blog, there are two World Race teams currently serving here in Nsoko. It has been so great to catch up with them, since the last time I saw them was back in October at their training camp. It has also been really neat to introduce them to various people around here and share with them about how much the ministry has grown and morphed.