Almost each day after camp we loaded up with the team from Texas and went off for some tour or another. On the 4th of July we went to a “stud farm”  where we learned more than we cared to about horse breeding. We didn’t realize we signed up for it, but it came with the second part of the morning–the Japanese Gardens. Then we went to some
twelve-century monastic ruins off in the mountains and had a guided
tour and explanation of them. That was very fascinating!


Sunday we worked hard to set up the camp venue for the coming week.

Monday we went to Hook Head lighthouse (the cliffs were amazing), a small castle nearby, and a nearly thousand-year-old church. Incredible stuff!

Tuesday we did some team-time back at the house where I taught on the Mind of Christ.

Wednesday we toured a genuine castle–Johnstown Castle to be exact. That was completely amazing. There were even peacocks wandering around the property.

Thursday afternoon I spent working on team stuff while some of the girls went to a concert sponsored by the church we’re working with.

And finally, Friday we stayed near the camp venue in order to do the family presentation in the evening.

So it was a busy, busy week, but we got a lot done.
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