In the wake of losing Teddy, a few of us spent Wednesday afternoon at New Life baby home. New Life is an orphanage dedicated to caring for infants and toddlers. Many of you already know that toddlers are quite the challenge for me to enjoy, so I made my way to the infants. They can’t talk back or stomp their feet yet. *smile*
Most of these children either have AIDS or are given up because their mother has it. Either way, many of them are actually adopted right from the home. They have volunteers coming in and out, and are fairly dependent on them to help offset the workload each day. I spent my time entertaining and being entertained by Daisy–a three month-old. Eventually, after a fraction of a bottle, she dozed off in my arms and wouldn’t even wake up when I burped her. That is the type of kid I’m going to be praying for.