“Roller-coaster, roller-coaster, loop, loop, loop

We think the Green Team’s a mighty fine group!”

This what our team was shouting…only a few hours before the teams were changed. Some of you may already know that I’ve been at training since the 5th, and will be here until the 15th. I wanted to share how God has been doing some amazing things in my heart and in the hearts of my fellow racers; how we have been challenged in so many ways—brokenness, unity, prayer, love, burning bridges, laying burdens down, and so much more. Honestly, I don’t believe that I have ever been brought to this point before. I feel ready to lay down my life (my whole life—possessions, relationships, etc.) to share his word in the nations. How am I doing right here, though?

When I arrived on Thursday afternoon, I found that I had no name tag. Later on in the week, I discovered that I had not been the only one to arrive without an identity, but at the time I felt singled out. Within a few minutes I had a newly created name tag; within a few hours the whole “green team” was present and accounted for. Personal identity? Check. Social identity? Double check! Our team seemed to settle very easily together, so it came to be a bittersweet circumstance when the teams were rearranged on Tuesday. Suddenly I was thrust into a new social arrangement. What I was growing accustomed to and comfortable with was abruptly taken from me. After all that I had learned throughout the beginning of the week, this change was somewhat overwhelming. I had begun to think I was prepared for whatever Christ would throw at me, and before I even left training, I was faltering. Isn’t this how we react so often? “God, I’m ready for anything, but don’t rock my world too much, please.” Let’s just say, I’ve learned so much about myself, my reactions, and my need for more growth, and I am continuing to bond with both my “old” team and my “new” one.