I'm sure that by now you've seen or heard about the Kony 2012 video that's spreading like widfire across the internet. It's all over the place in my World Race group and on facebook and Twitter. Invisible Children is an organization that advacates for those in Uganda that are abducted and made either into sexual slaves or child soliders. It's something that's been happening for 26 years, and it wasn't until about 8 years ago that word really spread into the outside world about this horrific act. My sister has always been passionate about this cause, so when she told me about it a few days ago, I couldn't resist learning more. I would encourage you to watch the video below and GET INVOLVED!! 

On April 20th, after sunset, hundreds of thousands of people across America will be "blanketing" the country with fliers, posters, signs, and bracelets about Joseph Kony, the "ring leader" of this devesation in Uganda. He is the leader of a group called the Lord's Resistance Army, or LRA and will stop at nothing to make sure he stays in power. 

If you can't afford to buy a kit and spread the word, at least share the video and tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW about this cause. The goal is to have him captured by the end of 2012.

While on the World Race we will be in Uganda for a month in the spring. What a joy it would be to be in the country as they celebrate the capture of one of the world's worst criminals!!!!!! 

Information on Joseph Kony:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kony

The video:  http://vimeo.com/37119711

Please, please get involved somehow. Even though Jeremy and I will be in the car most of the evening of the 20th, I WILL be taking part as soon as our vehicle stops at our destiation.