If you did not know already, the expected route for the year changed last month to include Mozambique and Thailand. While we will not be traveling to Uganda or India.

~ ~I’m not sure if the huge hurricane that hit Mozambique in February got much press attention in the States, but it was a very devastating Hurricane(Cat. 4, 140 mph winds…) and it hit at a time when there was already very severe flooding. The situations as far as I have been able to read is absolutely horrible…and will likely set the small, but fast growing country back for a long time.

~~~That being said, there is talk that we might be going there sooner and staying there longer than originally planned. Which I was really hoping would happen since I first heard about the situation in February. I immediately realized that this was a huge part of why things changed and why God wanted us to be going to Mozambique.

There also does not appear to be a good deal of media coverage surrounding the situation.

As a hopeful photojournalist, thinking about covering something like this makes my heart beats faster and fills me with a weird brand of excitement. As someone who loves people and whose heart breaks for them, its hard to understand this “excitement”. But thats what our team is all about, we desire to give the voiceless a voice. As far as I can tell, there are thousands of people who are utterly in desperate need of any help they can get. I guess the excitement stems from a desire to be able to help those with so many needs and hopefully bring larger awareness to long term needs of these people as they seek to rebuild there lives. Many of which were allready living in refugee camps due to the flooding in the month leading up to the Cyclone.

So I just wanted to make everyone back home aware of the situation and ask that you be praying for our leaders as they are making decisions regarding our time in Africa that is quickly approaching.  Be praying about ways that you can possibly help come to the aid of those in a dire situation.

Pray that God would begin to prepare our hearts  for what we will be apart of and get to experience in the coming months in Africa and also in Thailand where we will be ministering to those involved in the “industry” of  sex trade/ prostitution.