As I sit on the roof watching the remnants of the setting of the sun, on what has been an incredible month of March, my thoughts are drifting back home and to memories of the past. March has always been my favorite month, or at least the most fun. Of course its the month I was born into this world but more than that its the month that spring break always fell into or near. So growing up that meant our family would take a trip somewhere, usually to Colorado to going ski/snowboarding. As a student in college it meant that I would take a random roadtrip with my best friends. It also meant that the celebration of our Savior’s defeat over Satan was approaching. It ushers in Spring. Its brings new life and restores withered grass.

Honestly it has been none of those things to me this year.

As Palm Sunday comes tommorow, its a well needed reminder of why I have left my life behind this year.

As much as I love traveling the world, I also love everyone back in the states. I think I’m finally getting to the point of actually missing everyone back home.

This will be one(maybe 1 year during college), if not the first years that I havent been home for Easter. I’ve recently decided that Easter is my favorite “Holidays” because as much as I love Christmas, it would mean nothing without the Resurrection.

I was beginning to doubt that March would bring with it a restoration of my spirit, but today has really filled me with a renewed sense of excitement and hopefulness for the remaining time here in Peru. Which honestly I was starting to get very discouraged about, mostly due to the fact that I started off this month leaving Nicaragua after really falling in love with the people and then came into Peru with a cumbersome foot because of the burns. So the first week I felt hindered and just as my foot was better, I started to feel sick.

Finally today I’m beginning to feel better and have energy!!

So with a renewed spirit, I bid my beloved March farewell and welcome with open arms what April will bring.