Sorry about the lack of blogging in Malaysia, y'all.  It was a weird month for me.  However…. I do still have 11 fun tidbits for you. 

1. 13 people and 1 shower is possible even when 11 of those people are women.
2. Indian people are incredibly open and inviting. I loved working with them and living around them. 
3. Always smile and be friendly to people.  You never know who you are influencing.  By the time we left, we were friends with all the restaurant guys even though we could only exchange a handful of words. 
4. Spiritual warfare is real and active, even if you refuse to admit it.  We lived walking distance from a Hindu Temple and Muslim Mosque.  The spiritual atmosphere in Malaysia is heavy ; keep them in your prayers. 
5. Sauna at the Buddhist Temple.  Yes please.  Ginger tea, also.  Why, yes.  I think I shall. 
6. Cats are everywhere… and they don't have tails. 
7. Don't take your couch for granted.  Your butt appreciates it more than you can even begin to imagine. 
8. Turns out hospital ministry is not for me.  I start feeling awkward and uncomfortable in the lobby and it continues until I leave. 
9. I went to the gym with Eddie this month.  A real gym.  We were the only white people and I was the only women.  I used to somewhat self-conscience about working out at the public gym at home; now, every single person there could stare at me and it still wouldn't compare to the gym in Malaysia. 
10. Iced coffee in a bag with a straw and a string for 50 cents.  Genius. 
11. Don't want to commit to a tattoo?  No problem.  Henna allows you to have a tattoo for a matter of days.  This month I discovered that I will absolutely never have a tattoo on my hand. Or wrist.  Or arm; but I love the henna I put on my foot and would consider that as a real tattoo. 

Coming soon… a new blog about the awesome time I'm having in Cambodia.