For practical reasons the Yellow team had to split up into 3 teams to cover more ground. 
Liesl and Estee joined other teams while the remaining members; Francois, Anthony, Clara
and Anita(from the lime team) formed a team.  

 There was excitement in the air, the 4 of us were stuffed into a taxi on our way to Chumale, deep within the Tibetan mountain range.  We were singing praises and telling jokes, but there was one thing that lingered on all our minds…the track-bombing that would happen the following day.
Our main objective was to pray for the town and build relationships with the locals.  After some struggle God blessed us with a stunning hotel, of which the hospitality was the best we experienced thus far.

A newly found friend joined us later, so the 5 of us crammed into one room with two beds?  No showers and a China loo!
Yet that felt as close to home as anything.  The following day we climbed one of the mountains approximately 5000m above sea level.  With the town below us we prayed Gods blessing and truth down on them. After which we build a small altar for friends and family and errected a cross as symbol of Gods Glory!  As an added bonus the view was awesome and we rejoiced in the presence of God.


The following night we prepared ourselves for the “bombing run”.  With aeroplane blankets as disguise we dressed ourselves like the local monks (apparently, in my opinion we looked like arabian ninjas).  We walked to the monastry and split up into 2 groups.  Anita and Anthony went to the main temple and living courters while Clara and Francios went to main prayer area to distribute tracks.  Not only was there a physical coldness and darkness but within the prayer room there was a spiritual darkness that attempted to swallow all the light around us. 

As Clara and I attempted to distribute the last of the tracks,  I found myself staring into a pair of huge unearthly green eyes.  Phospher painted on a picture to scare the locals, it works on foreigners to. 

At the same time Anita and Anthony were busy placing tracks at the living courters when suddenly a door opened infront of them.  As Anita froze the monk grabbed Anthony by the shirt on which Anthony replied:”Hallo Friend!”

Our time together was filled with many adventures and Gods amazing presence.
All in all this was a blessed time!

Together with Lloyd, Chad and Casey, I went to a little town ( or rather a street) called Zhiduo.
It is close to 14oooft above sea level, somewhere in the snowcapped mountains of Tibet.  God broke my heart while I was prayerwalking through the town: the people He created are so lost, so caught up in Tibetan Bhuddism.

Lloyd met a young guy who was studying English and got invited to his family’s home. There he found out about a big Tibetan Bhuddist monastary nearby. The guy’s dad, a police officer, offered to give us a tour the next morning. The monastary turned out to be more like a whole town, with lots of different “God rooms” and places to offer or pray to the gods.

                                                                              The Tibetan Bhuddist monastary near Zhiduo

Our plan was to tract bomb it the following night, but it turned out to be a 4 hour walk to there and everything would be locked up. So… we did what kept quite a few angels busy distracting people, keeping us safe and directing us with God’s wisdom: We tract bombed the monastary in clear daylight, with monks watching us the whole time and a police officer escourting us to all the temples. With the officer we got the chance to see the inside of different “god rooms” where monks worship and offer, people walk in circles to pray and even to a nine storey bronze Bhudda.

Wherever I could I planted tracts: at the places where beads or food are offered to the gods, in monks’ shoes, under scarves and a lot of other places God lead me to. Meanwhile Casey would distract the boy with asking lots of questions and teaching him English. Lloyd and Chad climbed up the nearby mountain to where some prayerflags were. There they planted a wooden cross with the words of a poem God inspired me to write, Salvation, which is prophetic for China and Tibet. They prayed it over the monastary town and claimed the area for God.
