Yesterday morning we all got up and headed for church. Jessica S., Kim and Paul went to a service in English. Laura, Eliu and me went to Abners church behind the coffee shop. It was great.

After church we all met up again to go to Guatamala City. Abner needed to get some things for the coffee shop so we gave him a ride. Once we got there we went to a place kind of like Walmart. Then we got to eat at Subway. It was beautiful. Then we headed to the mall to see a movie. Paul has been dying to go to the movies since we left the US. Everyone went to see Just Like Heaven….except Paul. He went to see Doom.  So yesterday was a fun day for all of us. At one point we were standing in a Subway, looking at something that looked just like a Walmart and a Payless Shoes. Not really just like home but a little.

Jessica S. and Kim have been on the internet all day having a meeting with the other teams. Laura, Paul, Eliu and I all spent most of today at Hermano Pedro. It is such a blessing to be able to go there. We are able to spend time with people who really just need to be loved.