Eugene, our host in
, gave all of the World Race teams the option to go to one of five cities in

Each city is heavily populated with Muslims.
  He told us a little about each city and when he was finished, there was no doubt in any of our minds that we are supposed to go to city number 5.


When the team leader¡¯s met to discuss where each team will be going, the red team told
that one of their team members (Casey) really felt that God wanted her in city number 5.

, knowing that all of us love Casey, invited her along with Team Trinity.
  In that meeting, we also found out that Cathy (our honorary team member) wanted to join us in city number 5.
  Team Trinity is now 7 people (for 8 days)!!!


So far, in our precious city number 5, we have made a lot of friends.
  We are quickly learning about the people and the culture here.
  Every day has been jammed packed, in true Team Trinity fashion.


We look forward to sharing, as much as we can, about what we are doing here.

Please keep Team Trinity and city number 5 in your prayers.


Team Trinity