Team Trinity’s was being called to city number five that we cannot mention. After the sermon that Chad gave, we were all going to head out as a group but Kim didn’t feel so good from her malaria medication/sun interaction. We decided to let her take a breather while Chad spoke with Anna Marie.

Kims condition got much better but we came to the conclusion that Kim would wait back while we found a place to live in our town. We didn’t want her to have to carry her pack in this very humid heat.

Sarah, Tauna and Chad jumped in a bus and headed off to town number five. We prayed together as a team and asked for the Lords guidance in town and ended up at one of the Buddhist Temples. Our driver staid around for some reason; thank the Lord; and we soon found ourselves on the same truck to another Temple in town. Both girls had a strong feeling that God was saying that we should go to the other temple in town. Our team pulled up to the temple and Chad went out to see what was going on. He was led to the head monk of the Temple and by God’s grace the monk welcomed us with open arms.

He guided us into one of the prayer dorm rooms and told us through hand and face motions that we could stay here. We didn’t believe what was happening. God had guided us this whole way and now we were in the middle of the Buddhist temple.

We are currently on a voyage to meet the people of the city and act out Luke 10 of the bible, which is completely happening step by step. We praise our Father and thank him for this opportunity to bring light into such darkness. We ask for protection and for Him to use us for His great glory.