Team Blue spent one afternoon with Pastor Samuel at the Mayan ruins. We climbed up very steep and small steps which gave us quite the workout to the top of the ruins. But once to the top, what a reward we received. The views were absolutely breath taking overlooking the mountains of Palenque.

While there, we were able to experience the way the Mayans lived and worshipped. We discovered that they worshipped many gods as we felt a heaviness amongst the ruins and in the burial tombs. We also saw how detailed oriented the Mayans were with the structure of there palaces, sanctuaries, worship cites and living quarters. We used a lot of the time walking around the ruins just praying and feeling God’s presence in a heavy place.

We were truly blessed with this time to see the ruins and escape from our current time for a few hours. God is good! We were able to return with a freshness to continue our ministry with Pastor Samuel.