We arrived in Cairo to the surprise that we picked the same exact hotel that all of the teams were at. We had no knowledge of this what so ever but the Lord directed us to the exact place that He would have us go. Praise the King of Kings.

We then met with our local contact to find out where and what our ministry in Cairo would look like. We bought a local Egyptian meal and headed for a sailboat ride on the Nile River. We prayed together and asked the Lord to bless our ministry over the next ten days. Our ministry would be with the Coptic (Egyptian) Orthodox Church.

At 9:00am in the morning we were instructed to take all of our bags to a certain point where a bus would pick us up and take us six and a half hours south to our ministry town. We hit the roads and immediately we are in the Sahara Desert. Our local contact told us that we would probably be stopped by the local military and escorted through the country for safety reasons. To our surprise we where only escorted right as we arrived in our ministry town which was actually a blessing because sometimes the escorts can put hours of wasted time on to your trip.

When we arrived it was if we were royalty to the town. People flocked from every direction and the police pushed from the front and the back of the bus. After going through gates with armed guards on towers at the Coptic Orthodox church we were in complete amazement at where the Lord had brought us. We were at the home of one of the Bishops in the Coptic Orthodox church who actually has the same level as the Pope in this church (Different pope than the Catholic Church).

It is humbling to write this because we were expecting to be living in tents in the middle of the desert but instead we are living like royalty. We have showers in our rooms, have three meals a day and are escorted by the Police where ever we go.

The town is 30% Christian and 70% Muslim and the church is surrounded by Mosques (Muslim Churches). Our ministry will consist of praying through some of the struggles of the church and ministering primarily to the youth of the Church. We are going to be performing skits, sharing stories and reaching out through sports ministry.

We are so thankful to our Father and pray that His light shines through each and every one of us.

God Bless.