We are in HONG KONG!!!

The flight was a direct flight from Los Angeles to Hong Kong
for a total of 15.5 hours. The bummer for the entire year is that our team will never be able to fly with Lloyd for the major flights because the South Africans have different flights than the Americans for our around the world tickets. Bummer. Other than not having Lloyd, the flight was a great time.

We arrived in the airport at 6:30pm last night and smoothly received our luggage and glided through customs. We jumped on the double decker bus that we were told to get on and headed for the big city.

It was a little hectic finding our rooms because we had a group of 15 people with backpacks amongst hundreds of people. Below our hostel is a market area with very close quarters and lines to get in the elevators. We were directed to go to the 12th & 17th floors but after finding that everything had no vacancy, God lead us to the 16th floor.

Thank the LORD for a bed!! All the Americans are staying together in three different community rooms at the Hostel. There are bathrooms, showers and an internet room with 6 computers for a total of $6.80 per person per night. God has been great to us and at least for the next couple of days we are home.

We love you all.