“He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” Revelation 2:7

Alright, we have bad news for all the race fans of the Blue team, we came in dead last. We didn’t just get beat by a little margin, it was actually quite a large one but; did we do what the Lord wanted us to do?

We all felt from the very beginning that the Lord wanted us to God to Pergamum first. That would prove detrimental to our place in the race because it was exactly backwards of what all the other groups decided to do. But, in all of this we understood why the lord had us go on this route. We met numerous Christians along the way as well as connected with those still trying to find the truth. We were walking in the exact path that the Lord would have us go.

Coming down the home stretch, we raced to Ephesus. Our mission was to perform a drama, that Sarah had wrýtten, in the Old Ancient Theatre. We bought our tickets, prayed over each other and headed in for the performance. As we entered we were all blown off of our feet by the beauty of this historical site. For those of you that don’t know, Ephesus is actually one of the Ancient wonders of the world. It was absolutely breathtaking.

When we reached the bottom part of Ephesus, we entered the Old Ancient Theatre which was filled with tourists. We put our backpacks down, prayed and Sarah burst out as the narrator of the play. Numerous tourists, about 60 or 70, watched in amazement as Casey and Chad acted out the play titled First Love. Cathy then gave the one two punch ending with the song titled “Come, Now is the Time to Worship”.

We as the Blue team learned a very important lesson on this race. Listen and follow exactly what the Lord would have for us. That is what we did and through it we rested in his presence, shared the gospel and enjoyed wonderful Turkish tea with the beautiful people of Turkey.

We pray that the Love of Jesus is continued to be seen by those we have come in contact with. God Bless.