Yesterday we went over to San Juan (the village between San Pedro and San Pablo) before church.  Pastor Antonio took us over to an area that had been hit hard by the mud slides.  The term mud slide really doesn´t do it justice.  There are huge boulders that have torn down walls of houses and left piles of rubbish and dirt.  On one house the dirt and rocks were piled so high that only a child could have fit through the door standing.

After visiting that area, we went to meet with some women and children that have lost or been abandoned by their husbands or fathers.  After playing a game and singing a song with the children, Ashley shared the gospel through her iodine (dirty with sin) – bleach (cleaned by jesus) magic trick.  Casey shared her testimony, and we told them that if anyone wanted prayer to come let us know.

Immediately almost all the women jumped up pushing their children towards us.  They told us stories about their lives.  One child´s father was in prison because he had killed the child´s sibling.  All the stories broke my heart!  We prayed over each child and then each woman that wanted prayer.  We are hoping to get to go back sometime next week to minister more to these broken souls. 

Today we have spent more time preparing for Saturday.  Ashley, the drama nazi, made sure our facial expressions and timing were exactly right.  The main message is going to be the Prodigal Son.  Our drama goes along with that.  We are hoping to attract a lot of people that may not normally go to chruch.  Please pray for this event (6-8pm central time).  Also pray me as my team wants me to share my testimony…you guys know I don´t like to public speak :)!