Ok so sorry for lack of communication, but here is the deal.  It just so happened that we found out debrief wasn’t happening in Kenya.  Since I was with the South Africans, and they were eager to go ahead and try to fly standby to South Africa early, of course I hopped on board with that plan.  We left Tanzania and headed to the airport in Nairobi where exactly 11 seats awaited all 11 of us for standby!  We flew in last Saturday night.

We are now staying at Alabanza on an AIM base.  Other than not having internet connection or a way to reach you guys, it has been great.  Today we finally made it to an internet cafe, but don’t have much time so I have to keep this short.  Soon the other Americans will be in and we will start debrief.  It has been so fun experiencing the home country of people we have lived with for the last 9 months! They even took us to a rugby match…so fun!  Ok well I have to go, but when internet is availiable for more time look for an upcoming post about our last visit to the orphans in Tanzania…it was amazing!