(Sorry for the delay in pictures)  Here they are now!!

Well, I was able to experience my first safari in Pilliansburg, South Africa. I have been looking forward to this safari all year. We
pitched our tents right outside the electric fence and we could hear the lions roaring!

We did a 2 day safari and I went on every drive….I didn’t miss one! The famous “BIG FIVE” animals are the elephant, buffalo,
lepard, lion, and rhino. We saw 3 of the big five…elephant, rhino, and lion! We were up close and personal with each one. The
very last day we finally saw our lion….we had been looking for both days and then we saw his majesty….Mufasa! We also saw
many zebras, hippos, giraffes, warthogs, etc.

Please enjoy a few pictures of my first safari….not too bad for my first time!