After 4 weeks in Europe, Cathy and I along with a few other World Racers met in Ancona, Italy and took an overnight ferry across the Adriatic Sea arriving to meet the rest of our group in Split, Croatia.

We then proceeded to take a 6 hour bus ride to Mostar, Bosnia (south of Sarajevo). We are living in a gorgeous 4 story house that is a church and Bible School. I am so excited because we will be staying here for 5 weeks, I am sleeping on a comfortable bunk bed, we have cold water to drink, hot showers, and electricity! I am able to take everything out of my backpack and make myself at home for more than just a few days.

In Mostar, Bosnia there is a river that separates the Muslims and the Croats. We are living on the side of the river with the Muslims with 2 Mosques on either side of our house/church. Everyday we will walk across the river to the Croat side to work with youth in an intercity camp.

The camp is located right on the “Front Lines” of the post war zone. We have to be careful not to get off the beaten track because there is still a large presence of land mines. Around the camp many building are totally blown out and bullet holes are everywhere throughout our town.

So far I’ve noticed many hardened people. But who wouldn’t be after living through a war in their own town. Please pray for us as we minister to the people and the youth of Mostar, Bosnia that we would be a shining light to a hardened town.