As I write this blog I am aboard a ferryboat down the Rhine River traveling from Schaffhausen, Switzerland to Konstance, Germany. This river is very significant to me because my Grandpa’s name is Rhine. One year ago my Grandpa passed away and went home to be with the Lord. Years ago, he and my grandma traveled to Europe and they took a picture of Rhine by the Rhine River. I always wished that one day I would be able to see the Rhine River.

My Grandpa was such a wonderful man of God with a true humbleness about him that you don’t see in many people. His life was such a testimony to me and even after his passing, his soft spirit still brings tears to my eyes. The Rhine River is so beautiful and my Grandpa has the perfect name because it represents the beauty of his life.

I can’t explain in words how awesome and amazing God is to me. As I float down the Rhine River, God’s presence is just engulfing me. The remembering of my Grandpa, the beauty and peacefulness of this river, the bird’s chirping, the swans floating down the river, and the quietness I have with Jesus as He speaks with me.

“Dear Lord, thank you for Your world and for the gift you have given me to see Your creation. I feel so unworthy to experience this, but only because of Your grace and mercy am I worthy. Amen.”