Renee Numan
     A woman with one of the sweetest hearts ever. She has a passion for women and children. We nicknamed Renee "The Baby Whisperer" in Ecaudor because she could put ANY child to sleep- even the rowdiest more energetic of them. I've had the pleasure of learning, sharing, growing, laughing, serving…with her for the entire race. She is NOT the same person she started as and  there's still 6mos left to bloom. Please ask the Lord if YOU are one of the people who are supposed to help her complete the mission to which God's called her.

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Bekah Byxbe
     This woman has two of my most favorite things- she can sAAAng her booty off and she laughs with everything in her. She's a new team member as of team change in April. My most favorite thing about her is that she gives me feedback! Please help keep Bekah on this Race. She is an integral part of my growth and more importantly she also has a divine purpose of her own to fulfill. Prayerfully consider partnering with her.
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Kelsey Aho
     Kelsey is one of the most sincere, genuine, kind-hearted people I've met in my entire life. The way she interacts with people is inspiring. I've learned so much about being intentional, present, engaged…when conversing with someone. The most beautiful thing about Kels is her shameless and determined pursuit of God. Watching her hand herself over to Him has been such a blessing. God is doing major things with, for and through her in the 2 months she's been a teammate. Please help her achieve what God sent her here to accomplish.

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