Hey everybody, sorry i havnt been blogging regularly but we have been out and away from a lot of stuff, like internet cafe’s.  anyways since there isnt anything good to talk about when it comes to the Hawks, which i guess you could say that they are having a rough year. I will talk about the last major ministry that we did. The americans ran a junior high retreat. It was very fun and i learned that junior high kids are junior high kids no matter where they are. they may have different names but they are basically the same. My last few weeks here on the road before i return home will be filled with a lot of meetings, as we have debrief and other meetings like that. and hanging out with my world racer friends as we will be splitting up here in a few weeks and hopefully catching some rays at the beach since its going to be cold when i get back. all in all these last couple of weeks have been really great. A lot of great feedback from the kids and good responses. i do in fact have photos so here are a few. thank you for praying for me this last couple of weeks. your prayers were answered. thank you and to God be all the glory. stay classy planet earth.

in Him



                                    me and the boys at the junior  high retreat 


                                       me with some of my south african friends