Hey everybody, I believe I promised that i would get pic’s up soon, so here are some of the humorous ones that i was able to catch, i hope they make you laugh at least a little bit. thanks everybody for praying for me and my team this month, just to let you all know, we fly out of malaysia on May 2nd to get to Delhi India. so please pray for us as we are preparing to go to yet another strange place and have really no idea what’s in store for us. Praise God that He knows. as always stay classy planet earth.

in Him


     Its pretty obvious whats funny about these pic’s, i wonder why no one in the states have been able to come up with
      anything this catchy, quick suggestion pastor matt, i think everyone in Dubuque would know Hope if you changed 
     the name to the Dang Church you know that dang church next to the dang YMCA camp.

              I almost got to see Metallica a tribute band is almost as good


Ok so anyone who ever watched that ridiculous show from the 80’s will find this sign funny
Alf must be big over here

                           In case you miss it, check out how they spell tiredly



                               I always find livestock in weird trucks humorous I think that sheep has had better days