If Mrs Velasquez could see me now… For those of you who didn't have the pleasure of attending Ragsdale High School, home of the Tigers, Mrs Velasquez taught Spanish and Spanish II. Two classes which I was convinced were wastes of my time. "Why would I, an American, ever have to know spanish" was my attitude. Well… turns out for the first 3 months of my trip I'll be in Spanish speaking countries, Joke's On Me. Last week in church we had a missionary stand up and talk and then see lead Agnus Dei in SPANISH! It was the most beautiful part of the service. It made me cry, and by cry I mean my eyes were misty… I know that this may seem insignificant to some but even in this small revelation I see that there is SOO much for me to learn this coming year. I cannot wait to get to Central America and see how the Lord uses me to impact His Kingdom! Hopefully I'll pick up a little Spanish while I'm down there. I cannot wait to see the ways the Lord continues to change my views of myself, my world, and most importantly who HE is! This is as many say is going to be "the adventure of a lifetime", I cannot wait to start with an open heart and an open mind.

Mrs Velasquez, consider this a public apology. You were right I was wrong. Thank you for putting up with me and letting me pass your class so I could graduate.