What is it you imagine when you think of a treasure hunt? Pirates, maps, chests full of gold, silver, and precious stones, or my personal favorite, something like the Lost Mines of King Solomon? What about a random person…you have never met…in a city you barely know? Yes I know, it didn’t sound much like treasure hunt at first to me either, but as I said in my last blog, the Lord shows me more everyday about what ministry and bringing kingdom actually looks like.
We as a squad were given simple instructions to follow. Split into groups of two or three as the disciples did, and pray for thirty minutes to the Lord. We were told to ask Him to show us who was our “treasure” was that day. As we each individually either heard words or saw signs, we wrote them down and at the end of thirty minutes we “drew” our map for the day. Simple enough, though I’ll be the first to admit, as I did to my two fellow hunters this day, I fully truth in the Lord, but I do struggle with hearing or seeing the Lord directly.
After our prayers, we drew out our map. We had the following words: Hospital/sick person, the number three, the color green, smoke, and a book store.
We started heading for the closest large hospital, along the way looking out for anything that may match up. About fifty yards before the hospital we found a book store with a green sign. OK that seemed like a good start. As soon as we entered the shop we noticed it was full of religious arts and crafts, with a large Psalms scripture up front and center. OK Lord, I starting to pick up what you are putting down. We asked if there was anymore art like that and we were told to check out upstairs. It was full of Christian art, right along with Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist. It was strange to see all three in one store. Normally they do not mix the three. I decided to head back downstairs and speak to the store owner. I questioned him about all of the Christian art and if he was a believer. He was a Hundu, but then he reached under his front desk and pulled out his copy of the bible. He said he had been reading it for quite a while and knew it well. Though he wasn’t a believer, he was extremely open to letting us pray over him. I was able to talk with him about Jesus and about the forgiveness of sins for the followers of Jesus. I don’t know if he will remember any of my words, but I know I’ll never forget my treasure I found that day. The Hundu shop owner who was learned in the bible and very open to my prayers.
Please pray for this man. That day could be the first day that he starts turning towards Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for my treasure. As always please share this blog. Please like it and PLEASE PRAY for my squad, my team, and me.
God bless