This is dani (she prefers the lower case) everybody!!

 She is our Squad Content Manager (SCM). She has been traveling with us for the past two months and is here to help us with our blogging and over all presence on the Internet. She is extremely cool, extremely fun, and extremely knowledgeable. Since she has been with us our blogging has more that tripled!!! Many of us did not realize the importance of these blogs, but through dani, we now know just how far they can reach. So many eyes read these blogs, which can change minds, and change lives!


Please help up support dani by following her personal blog page. (Even donate!!! !!! !!!)  (go now!)


It is loaded with vlogs (video blogs) from her past race, and this current one.


As always please pr@y for my squad, my team, my leadership, and me. We are all experiencing new types of mini$tries this month and are still trying to figure them out.


G0d Bless