So I will be up front and just say that my 10 day TC (training camp) for the World Race pretty much Flipped my entire world upside down. I’m not sure what I went in thinking I would learn, but I had no clue just how much Love, Hope, Joy, and Grace was in store for myself and my Squad. Let’s start with my SQUAD!!
I LOVE my Squad!!! There are so many individuals and personalities that come together to make one BIG amazing group of people. I don’t guess I thought about how Powerful we could become as a group once we finally came Together, but I now know. It’s Insane! I love everyone of my Squad mates and would do Anything it took to help them in their work of Kingdom building. From a Squad of almost 60 we were split into smaller Teams.
Team placement was a processes that started coming together in our trainers minds, with the Lord’s guidance, from the very start of TC. I will say that we owe so much Thanks to our Trainers. They are an Amazing group of some of the Strongest and most Inspirational people I have ever met. The entire time I was at TC, my love for them all grew Exponentially. I could truly see not only how much they Cared for my Squad, but also how strong they are in their Faith in the Lord.
Over many hours of work, the trainers placed us into our initial groups that we will start this awesome journey with. My individual group will be traveling under the name Unsoundable, which means too deep to determine the depth of. We thought it fitting since with the 7 of us together, we are Limitless to the Depths of greatness that the Lord can do through us. To my teammates Bryce, Kimmy, Ben, Sylvia, Allie, and Jonathan, I LOVE you all.
During camp we many things that were put in place to help us “learn” to adapt to “Racelife.” Some of these were different foods, lost baggage, community living situations, Cold Water bucket showers, and different sleeping situations. Through out all of these we learned our Own strengths and weaknesses, but we also learned to lean on Each Other. There Is Not Anything we can not make it through with the Lord and my Squad.
We also had breakout sections that went deeper into different subjects. The breakout that stood out the most to me was Preaching. It was a great lesson on how the Lord uses us to teach his Word. With a little Practice, a lot of Prayers, and an abandonment of Pride, we all learned how to take a message and speak what the Lord wants to say through us. It was truly Humbling to see the power that we all had inside of us being released in such an amazing way.
The Greatest lesson learned at TC that has really stuck in my heart was this; This is not a missions trip, this is a start to Living Missionally. We are Kingdom Builders going on a Kingdom Journey. This isn’t a Trip, it’s not a Week, not a Month, it’s not even a Year. This is the start to the Rest of our lives!
I will leave yall with some updates on my current Fundraising. I am very happy to say I am almosy to half way there!! I am on track and the fundraising is going well, but it MUST keep going well. I am so Thankful to those who have supported me and I cannot wait to continue adding people to this team of support. Philippians 4:17 says “Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account.” This means that Everything I am about to do through the Lord on this journey, my supporters will also get credit for. If someone comes to Know the Lord, you did that. If someone is Baptized and Saved, you did that. Your support is Needed and I am so Thankful for it.
Stay Tuned for TC blog part 2 : Insiders Director’s Cut. It could get Interesting. Believe it or not, as long as this was it doesn’t even scratch the surface. I Love yall!