I have been asked by many people, “why are you doing this” or “what made you make this choice.” I have had many answers. I have told people that it’s been on my heart for a long time or I’m 28 years old, when would be a better time to find myself though service. All of the answers I have given were all true, but when I sit back and think, they are not the truest reason as to why I chose to do the WR. The truest answer is, simple put….I DIDN’T  chose to do it. I was CHOSEN to do it. This life and all that I will be leaving behind, it isn’t mine to leave. This mission and all I have to gain, that isn’t mine either. Neither was my choice to race. The Lord has chosen me, and everyone else who will be leaving on this AWESOME adventure to better His kingdom. I am reminded of the Gospels, starting in Matthew Chapter 4 when Jesus began to choose his initial Disciples. They were all chosen. They came from all backgrounds, just as all of my new WR brothers and sisters come from so many backgrounds. The Lord saw the greatness inside of them. Everyone of us have greatness inside of us. You do not have to take place on a Wored Race or any kind of mission trip to show that greatness. What you do have to do is UNDERSTAND and LISTEN when you are chosen. So to those who have and those who will ask “why have you chosen to do a World Race,” I am sorry to say, I will not have a very good answer. Not because I don’t have this decision in my heart, but because you are asking the wrong question. I did not chose this, I was chosen.