MY CALL to the WR…

I always knew that I wanted to be a part of international missions so when a friend told me about The World Race I thought it would be an amazing opportunity. I checked out the website and thought it was an amazing opportunity but really couldn’t see myself as a participant. A few months later when I started getting ready to apply for grad school I couldn’t find the motivation to finish any of my applications and that’s when the idea of being part of the World Race began to resurface. I decided that I would just apply for the World Race and let God open or close that door. When I finally submitted my application I realized that I had accidentally applied for the Novas Project but I decided to just roll with it because I figured with God there are no accidents. Right after I sent out my support letters for Novas Project I got a call from AIM notifying me that the Novas Project was going to be canceled. I was pretty upset but I knew God was in control so I decided that I would just reapply to the World Race. So I did just that and I was accepted and I’m so excited to be a part of the July 2010 World Race.