So my last blog was about my post-Race plans.

Well. Surprise, surprise! … God told me to change things up a bit. Haha.

Now here’s more of what I know of HIS plans for me, not my own:


I’ll still be going to Georgia for the CGA, but I’m extending my commitment from 4 months to 12. The Lord brought me on a little journey the last couple of weeks to lead me to some new decisions.

To get from Swaziland to South Africa, we traveled via bus for several days, spending nights in hostels at Manzini, Swaziland, then Durban and Port Elizabeth, South Africa. So naturally, I had a lot of time to look out and enjoy the most beautiful scenery (#1 for travel day scenery on the Race) and think and pray.

Thankfully, the Lord really spoke to me in those long hours and even after we arrived at ministry and church in Cape Town. Long story short, I believe He might be calling me to go back on the field as an alumni squad leader for the Race. Conveniently, the CGA has just made a new track for ‘field leadership’ that includes training and then time serving on the field.

While things may still change, God has given me several signs so far to confirm that He wants me to pursue this next. I faced many insecurities and doubts, including not feeling ‘qualified,’ but God reminded me that He does indeed qualify the called, not call the qualified! So if this is the next adventure He has for me, I know He’ll give me just what I need as I act in faith!

But either way, whether I end up going back on the field or not, I have now committed to a full year in the CGA program. This, of course, means I’ll need more financial support! Fortunately (thank you, Jesus!!) I’ve received a scholarship, so I only have to raise $300/month instead of $600! I was hesitant about announcing tentative plans, but I’m going on faith with this and also want to honor you, my blog reader and supporter, by explaining why I’m once again asking for more support! Thanks for bearing with me as I drive this winding road and share how my plans and God’s plans unfold, collide, and converge…

Thanks to YOU, I already have 6 of the 12 months covered!! As of now, I still need about $1800, so please continue to pray with me and consider partnering with me to reach this goal! You can give one-time or monthly donations via the ‘Support Me for CGA!’ link on the left. Or message/e-mail me to help me out! [[email protected]]