Yip its been a long time ,five weeks since ive bloged.

We spent the first two weeks preparing the camp site, hard hard work, cutting grass ,instaling toilets,
revamping war torn buildings into make shift kitchen ,office etc.
and built a coffe bar, pitching tents and mutch more. We all worked well to gether and we had an off day
 which we spent at a fast flowing river, only about 5 meters wide. I had a great time,swiming across ,it reminded
 me of padeling into the waves at Jefferys Bay when Supertubes is at 4ft,and it was pritty cold to.
The river would wash us down about 15 meters. This day had a price, i got verry ill four days later and could
 hardly move,so i spent a whole day in me tent ,some of the intersesors from Virginia USA prayed for me and
the fever i had left imedeately,  HaleluuuuuuJAH. i was up the next day  and was back to 100% three days later.

The first week after the two weeks preperation we had a young adults camp, the second week the teenagers
 camp and the third week to “tiny tots” childrens camp.this week they are having a family camp.
Im sad to be missing out  on this one. All the campers came from all the Christian churches
across the entire country, it was like a national family get together and as i write this, i realise i had the privelage
of meeting just about the entire body of Christ of  a nation. wow. 

in short i can just say “thank you God for your grace that give us the ability to do more than we can.”
Each camp was special in its own unique way, my high lights were the people i met and worked with &
how God worked in our lives,bother campers and facilitators. It has been a life changing experance for

We are back in Mostar now ,and tomorow we head to Split in Croatia  where we will take a short ferrie ride
to an Island called Pradge(not sure of the spelling) for a debrief and to recharge the batterys.

Lots of love and thanks for all the cares and prayers.

Lloyd (:>)